The RWA tokening platform DIFIFT has been given a custodial license from Singapore’s Monetary Authority, which is capable of adding detention services to the assets of tokens on its platform.
Ethereum (eth) is a blockchain platform for real -world assets built on blockchain get A custodial license from MAS. Earlier, Digift was already approved to operate a trading platform for security tokens and offer financial services. Now, with this new license, it can also provide detention services for capital market products. This means that DIFIFT can now handle everything in one place-that is, issuing blockchain-based security tokens, trade and relying on storage-bina external partners.
“Getting a custodial license under our CMS Framework is an important step in the mission of Daidift to create a strong and completely digital asset ecosystem. By integrating detention services in our existing regulated structure, we are increasing both security and efficiency for investors, while paving the route for wide institutional institutional adoption of tokens property, ”
Henry Zhang, founder and CEO in Digift.
Established in 2021, Digift is a Singapore-based Fintech Company operating a regulated digital asset exchange, where the owners of the asset can issue blockchain-based security tokens, and investors can trade in tokens with constant liquidity through an automated market-maker mechanism.
In particular, the company specializes in the real -world financial assets, such as private credit funds and money market funds. In February 2025, Digift announced a collaboration with Invesses to offer a token version of a private credit fund of $ 6.3 billion, with the aim of providing recognized and institutional investors with access to Investo’s private credit strategies through its platform.
Earlier, in November 2024, Digift participated with UBS Asset Management to launch UBS’s first token money market funds, enabled investors to use the token version of UBS USD Money Market Investment Fund.