‘Feel an emotional desire to leave me:’ Atherium’s butterin disappointed with the community’s attention on ‘Digen Casino’

Ethereum’s vitallic butterin is tired of hearing that “Degen Casino” is the best market fit for crypto, which expresses disappointment over the narrow attention of the industry.

Amid increasing concerns about the direction of the atherium, co-founder Vitallic Butterin expressed disappointment with claims that its model is not the best fit for the market, especially it struggles to compete with “Digen Casino” Does, who appeals for retail interest.

In One x postButterin expressed disappointment with some more enterprise capitalists in the Crypto community, who argue that “PVP Cole Dagen Casino” is the best product-market fit for a small percentage of model-cavalry users. . He called these ideas “kripalu and aristocrat” and accepting the emotional toll as such comments, insisted that he is still fully committed to the long -term goals of the atherium.

“No, I don’t feel good to hear these things. There are also times when they feel the emotional desire to leave me. ,

Vitallic beeturin

The Atherium Foundation is recently getting some heat to sell a large part of the atherium (Eth) with little explanation. A sales that attracted attention, involving swaping 100 ETHs for stabechoin, tried to defend the sale after a prominent person in the atherium ecosystem, he was called a solid example of how the foundation actually used Ath Is.

Despite the backlash, butterin stood from the perspective of the atherium, pushing back against the call for a leadership change in the foundation. He also addressed the allegations of centralization, stating that “the future of the world computer is decentralized.”

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