Crackon says that American agencies made about 30% of all data requests in 2024

Crypto Exchange Crackon reported an increase of 38.6% in global law enforcement and regulatory data requests in 2024 compared to 2023.

The US-based Cryptocurrency Exchange Crackon received a lot of data requests in 2024, showing how much law enforcement and government agencies are paying attention to Crypto.

In February 19 Transparency reportSan Francisco -based Crypto Exchange stated that the number of requests increased by 38.6% compared to 2023, with US agencies to 28.6% of the total. The FBI topped the list with the most requests – 614 in total.

The requests were mainly from the law enforcement agencies, federal and local. While the US Securities and Exchange Commission only took 1.9% of the requests of the US agency, it released a large part of the requests of the regulatory agency (37.3%), the exchange says.

Crackon says that American agencies made about 30% of all data requests in 2024 - 1
The agencies requested data from crackon. Source: Kraken

Among the total 6,826 requests received in 2024, according to the report, data was provided for 57% of them. Most requests were for accounts located in the US (34.5%), UK (8.8%), and Germany (8.5%).

Coinbase, another US-based exchange, also Informed Decreased global requests for data in 2024. A total of 10,707 requests have been shown for a period of the company’s December transparency report, which is a reduction of about 18% from 2023.

Despite the overall decrease, the US law enforcement has still made part of the lion’s requests with 81% of all law enforcement requests. Germany, UK, France, Spain and Australia were among other top countries requesting data. In particular, Germany saw a decline in requests, from 1,906 to 1,269 in 2023, while Singapore’s requests jumped with 34 requests in 2023 in 2023, jumping with 34 requests in 2023 in 2024.

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