In 2024, BNB’s market cap increased to more than double $ 101 billion, while the annual revenue rose to $ 234 million, making BNB one of the top layer -1 blockchain by earning a smart chain.
As BNB Chen Q4 2024 report by MessariBNB’s market cap increased 22% quarterly-fourth to $ 101 billion in Q4 2024, which is more than doubled a year. Despite the strong growth, BNB reduced BTC slightly, which recorded 122% annual growth.
Network revenue also climbed, reaching $ 44.6 million from the last quarter to $ 44.6 million – up to 28%. In terms of BNB, revenue increased by 10% to 69,500 BNB. For the whole year, $ 234 million was killed in total revenue, strengthening the position of BNB as a top layer -1 blockchain.
The on-chain activity rebound in Q4, operated by a rally market, average daily transactions and daily active addresses grow to 18% and 8% respectively. However, both matrix remained low from year to year.
StableCoins dominate network activity, seeing accounting for about half of all transactions and an increase of 32%. He also led to daily active address, became half of all active users and increased 24% in the quarter.
Finally, the DEFI of BNB Smart Chen overtook the $ 5 billion locked, the Q4 saw a steady increase. However, it fell into the fifth largest range after overtaking bitcoin. During the year, TVL increased in the USD, but its value in BNB declined, which reflects the impact of praise of BNB’s price.