As AI re -writes history, blockchain tech is a line of defense

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Artificial intelligence is considered miraculously by some people and growing horrific by others – yet it seems that there is no question that this rate of development will be there increaseThe basic orders and questions were launched as a curious and interesting experiment, as well as the fun renovation of classical paintings, developed in the fact that the future can become a trillion-dollar industry in the future.

It is undisputed that the construction of large language models of Openai’s chatgpt has paved the way for groundbreaking developments. With Chatgpt and other similar AI tools, some commands can make a longer piece of materials for research and information objectives, articles, codes and even images and videos.

More terrible, however, AI has the ability to mimic – so well it is sometimes unique from real meat and blood. These deepfees are rapidly becoming a simple disturbance, but also a threat to national security. For example, when a deep video of Ukrainian President Volodimier Zelanski where he told His soldiers to surrender in Russia in the early days of war. There is a discussion about banning deepfec Wander For some time, but – so far – nothing concrete has been applied.

AI-public history

Such as frightening as Deepfac, however, AI has a overall role in preserving the facts. In fact, while many consider artificial intelligence to be fair, AI is subject to very prejudices and lies as its creators. Deeeksek gives an example of this. A tool developed by Chinese, it will refuse to pronounce any mention of the 1989 Tianmen Square Genocide, for example, essentially erasing this phenomenon from history. In fact, users can Watch Chatbots do this before their eyes.

While governments have been re -writing history for centuries, the AI ​​represents a new dynamic in stability with which it can be digitally done and the speed with which false information can reach people through the Internet, from burning books in the Nazi Yuga. In addition, AI is used by many people for research, depending as a reliable information source, and growing rapidly used In classes.

Despite these moral concerns, however, technical giants such as Microsoft and Amazon web services are moving and moving forward Integrated In his cloud services such as AI Tools. This means that anyone is using their infrastructure – and it is originally mostly accessible to the Internet – will come in contact with an AI tool that will only tell the truth whether this program has been done. How can we rely on a biased device to preserve historical information or data?

Blockchain-based solution

It is clear that in a future where humans and AIs are rapidly co-existence with each other, we have to find another way to preserve information, images, and most importantly-historical facts. A solution where this data cannot be erased, can be tampered with, or has been written again-and blockchain is the only technique that provides this solution today.

A blockchain is an irreversible account where information can never be removed or converted. Any transaction or other data is recorded forever in blockchain. A suitable way of preserving history in a world where records depend on the craze of politicians and other powerful individuals. This is probably the greatest in cases of use for censorship resistance of blockchain – no effort to preserve.

Many undertakings are already working on creating blockchain-based solutions that are specifically designed to preserve history and facts. This includes a blockchain designed to stool, writing, music, pictures, or simply stooling ideas and even on-chain trading with ideas to turn the intellectual property from ideas.

A permanent cloud

Meanwhile, Arweave is a blockchain that provides a solution to give any data to a decentralized cloud forever or for at least 200 years, to guarantee. This model is contrary to traditional cloud services like Google Cloud or Amazon web services, which reduces the entire Internet.

If you have photos or word documents stored on your Google drive, for example, they are stored in the cloud – but it is unsafe for cloud storage violations, syncing problems, or accidental- or deliberate – or intentional – or deliberate – or deliberate -. The data stored in the cloud can also be censored or deleted by the government or other authority, which puts a big question mark on the idea of ​​storing any important facts of historical data “in cloud”.

Permanent, decentralized cloud solutions eliminate all these problems. Once it is uploaded, it is stored forever – it cannot be tampered with, removed or replaced in any way. You can always say who uploaded the data and when and what original information lies. This is an ideal solution for information that needs to be preserved like a historical record.

It is also impossible to pass deepfec as a real thing on a permanent blockchain cloud network as it will be immediately clear who is the creator of a fake video or image. Equally, the origin of legitimate declarations can be easily verified, so again one will never have any doubt about the orders given to their soldiers in the middle of a major conflict.

Finally, this tampering method of data storage also guarantees the perfection of information, which “said,” he said, “he may be incredibly important in the debate, which often stands in the way of verifying historical facts. At a time when these facts are in danger from technology that can make deep like the lives of politicians and celebrities, this is the time that we can detect the only solution that can actually preserve history.

Phil mataras

Phil mataras

Phil mataras AR.IO is the founder and CEO, the first permanent cloud network that covers a suit of revolutionary decentralized web services. Unlike traditional cloud infrastructure, uses arweve permaweb, providing an irreversible, proven-manual and economically durable model.’s innovative solutions include decentralized storage access, domains and hosting.

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