Circle announced Bridge-to-Environment USDC upgrade for Linia

Market Cap is planned by USDC to upgrade the first Seemless Bridge-to-Environment USDC, the world’s second largest stabelcoin issuer Circle, Rolled out on Layer 2 Blockchain Linia.

In Announcement On 5 March, Circle said the zero-knowledge-powered Etharium (ETH) layer 2 would be the first blockchain to witness the USDC (USDC) upgrade. The Linea is set to move from a bridged version of the USDC to a native version.

Circle introduced the Bridge USD standard in November 2023 and since then, Stabelcoin has become one of the most bridge assets within Crypto Ecosystem.

New blockchains often deploy the bridges version of $ 56 billion stabelcoin in their testnet or mennet environment. Circle has added native support to many EVM blockchains, rollups and other L2 platforms in the past.

However, Linea is considered the first blockchain network for its bridge USDC, or USDC.E, which is originally upgraded to release the original. This means the purinjan that provides protection to be completely reserved and redeemnable for US dollars.

“We are making history with the first person to upgrade the native USDC with zero disintegration. The same contract address, no liquidity fragmentation, simply faster, more secure transaction – this is the one that forms a spontaneous blockchain infrastructure Posted on X,

The upgrade will see a bridging poses for USDC.E on 16 March 2025. However, USDC.E will be usable in on-chain activities such as trading, expenses and swapping.

As on LINEA announced the launch of the original USDC launch in its blog post in circle notes, support also means that the accessor of the StableCoin issues access to the cross-chain transfer protocol.

CCTP V2 will also add support to Linea after launch of the circle Zkevm L2, it will also add it to LINEA, connects it with atherium, avalanche and base for cross-chain transfer.

Launched by consensus, Linea has seen a significant increase as its mennets went live in July 2023. The number of decentralized applications on the network is exceeding 400, with more than $ 250 million in transactions.

Cases observing significant growth include decentralized finance, gaming, non-fang tokens and digital identity, including others. L2 goes as the top zkevm by total value, and,, Per defilageThe total value currently claims over $ 190 million.

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