Berachain Staff denies the news of 10 million token unlock this week

Berachain denied rumors of the upcoming 10 million token unlock this week.

Berachain (Bera) Staff pushed back This week against the claims of 10 million bera tokens unlock. The tokenomist received this rumor after the inclusion of Bera in the list of tokens with upcoming large -scale unlock. To keep it in perspective, it represents 2% of the total supply of 10 million bera tokens.

especially, Tokenomist It is reported that Berachain is ready to unlock more than 1 million dollars per day in the next seven days, placing Bera between other tokens for large -scale unlock preparation, with the total unlock value more than $ 132.1 million.

Berachain Staff denies the news of 10 million token unlock this week - 1
Source: TokenomistMade by Wublockchain

As soon as the news spreads, concerns came to light over a potential bera dump, which linked Bera’s recent price performance with upcoming sales.

However, Neja of Berachain Foundation stepped to deny – or more accurately, clear – claim On XAccording to Neja, there is actually a token distribution plan, but it is part of an aircraft rather than a normal token unlock.

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Source: X post by Neja of Berachain

In particular, these tokens are allocated to users who have deposited funds in the liquidity acquisition market of Boyco, Berachain. Instead of being distributed independently in the market, these tokens are kept separate as an award for those users and will be given in a lump sum amount when their deposits mature in early May.

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