The Etharium Foundation has announced that the audit of the pectra system contracts has solved all identified issues.
Ethereum Foundation is now revealed The results of the audit conducted on the pectra system contracts, including its three Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIPS) -Eip-2935, EIP-7002, and EIP-7251-, which includes 11 in 11.
According to the Foundation, all the important issues identified during the review have been resolved. The primary purpose of the audit was to assess potential weaknesses within the contracts and ensure that the contract argument align with the intended tasks mentioned in the atheram correction proposals.
Pactra upgrade, which consolves 11 EIPOn February 24, Holeski was posted on the testnet, but it did not finalize within the expected time limit. The key within the upgrade is EIP EIP -7702The purpose of which is to increase the user experience for crypto wallet by incorporating smart contract functionality, contributes to the broader target of integrating the account abstraction on the Etharium (ETH).
Another major proposal, Eip-725132 addresses valid stacking by increasing the maximum stacking limit from ETH to 2,048 ETH. This change is designed to reduce the challenge of verifications to distribute bets in many verifications when doing stake at more than 32 Aths.
Holski is the first Testnet to run a simulation of Pectra upgrade. The next test is scheduled for sepolia testnet on 5 March, although there is a possibility of delay. Galaxy Christine KimEtharium developers may postpone sepolia test based on the scale of issues faced in Holecy Testing. However, since the Pectra Contract Audit has confirmed that all important issues have been resolved, appearing on the upgrade track.
The pectra mannet perineogen is currently scheduled for 8 April.