Omni network integrates superstate’s USTB to customize Treasury Strategy

The Omni Network has integrated the superstate’s token US Treasury Fund, adding it to its balance sheet as part of the efforts to customize Treasury management.

Interoperability protocol Announced Partnership with superstate on 17 February.

Its plan is to avail the US Government Securities Fund USTB as part of its Treasury Management Strategy for a short period of superstate. Omoni network operated by Omni tokens, will use tokens to develop your balance sheet.

This will help the team to optimize its treasury management strategies while maintaining “liquidity and flexibility”. ,

Superstate’s USTB, Currently A $ 274 million Tokenized treasury products offer investment risk to short -term American treasures. The fund allows holders to manage capital efficiently, which has inactive assets deployed to receive income.

Capital disability and fragmentation Crypto remains significant challenges in space, making the ustbal asset of a valuable tool. For example, the OMNI network will benefit from real-time liquidity, continuous pricing and multi-chain access.

The integration of OMNI of the USTB comes a few days after the superstate, which was expanded to multi-chain access, which begins with the real-world property finance platform plum network.

Earlier this year, the Omni Network and Plum announced an cooperation aimed at developing an efficient distribution engine for real -world assets.

Additionally, the OMNI network participated with decentralized AI Network Alllora to take advantage of artificial intelligence in the pricing and management of real -world assets.

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