In an interview, Anthony Skaramuchi predicted that Bitcoin could reach $ 200,000 this year, moving to a strategic crypto reserve operated by potential US, growing global adoption and institutional interest.
Anthony Skaramuchi, founder of Skybridge Capital, believes that the United States is on the verge of setting up a strategic crypto reserve, with bitcoin (BTC) as its foundation.
Recently held in an interview Saxo was invited to present questions, to mark the first 30 days of President Donald Trump to power. Scaramuchi suggested that bipartisate discussions associated with data like David Sachs are doing ground work for this step.
Skaramuchi said, “David Sachs has done a great job, in my opinion, to try to make a strategic crypto a bipartisan thing,” Skaramuchi said, “but I don’t think what these bitcoins want, It will be a measure. “
Skaramuchi is confident that by the end of the year a bitcoin regulatory structure will be established in the US. He sees it as part of a global instinct, with other countries adopting bitcoins, which they believe will grow.
He emphasized the possible domino effect of such a step internationally.
“It is very clear for the rest of the world that Americans are going to do something – that is why the rest of the world, many of these sovereign, are already happening. If you are doing this, I have to do it, ”they explained. “When will it be one, no, the situation.”
Bitcoin looked at $ 200,000 and beyond
Looking forward to 2025, Scoramuchi made a bold prediction: This year Bitcoin could hit $ 200,000 this year, increasing with the increasing recognition of his ability to rival institutional adoption and gold market capitalization.
He said, “This is a 100% return from where we are now, which will only put bitcoin on the $ 4 trillion market cap,” he said.
The scarmuchi sees the trajectory of bitcoin as unavoidable, with its digital deficiency and increasing adoption, especially among young investors.
“To be actually an asset class for bitcoins, it would have to trade in $ 15-20 trillion zone, which means that almost the same value was in the form of gold as mankind.” He said.
Accepting the underlying uncertainty in its prediction, the Scaramuchi remains optimistic about the development ability of bitcoin.
“If I am right, we will have another great year,” he said.
Solana and AI are good investment
Asked about the promising of crypto sectors beyond bitcoin and atherium (ath), Skaramuchi exposed Solana (Sol) as a standout, taking into account the “nine-tiny status” of Skybridge in the network.
“I am a big Solana buyer. I own a lot of Solana, “he said, saying that he sees the network as the most promising to score and support decentralized applications.
He also expressed confidence in avalanche (Avax) and Polkadot (DOT) to his ability to support asset toknarization. “These are those who are actually going to help tokens the planet,” Skaramuchi said, pointing to the widespread tendency of the real -world asset token.
In the early Internet era compared to the current Crypto and AI landscape, Skaramuchi attracted similarities with the tech boom in the late 1990s.
“When I was 36, all anger web and internet were web 1. And people were destroyed in web 1 when the accident occurred. But whoever was, he became very, very rich, “Skaramuchi said,” I think today we are in the same position as we were with Web 1 and with these two asset classes – Crypto and AI. ,
Beyond Solana, he revealed significant investment in AI companies such as Nvidia and asteroid laboratories, predicting continuous growth despite concerns about AI market bubbles.
Skybridge ETF is a safe purchase
Skybridge’s Crypto ETF has given 150% returns in the last one year, making many contestants better. Launched in 2021, the ETF tracks bitcoin-unorganized companies, including miners, microstrates and coinbases.
Due to 2022 recession, ETF rebounded, recently reached $ 18 per share.
“We were buying it at $ 3 or $ 4 per share, and now it is back to $ 18,” Skaramuchi explained. “This year, it is probably a $ 35–36 price target for that ETF.”
The composition of ETF reflects a strategic approach to mimic the performance of bitcoin without directly capturing the asset.
“We can own the components of the digital ecosystem. We can own some bitcoin miners who are trading publicly, ”he said. “We can own something like microstrategy, which are traded publicly … we actively manage it.”