Georgia State BTC Treasurer enters Bitcoin Reserve Race with Bill

Greg Dolzel, Senator of the state of Georgia, has introduced the Senate Bill 178, which aims to allow the treasurer of the state to invest in bitcoins.

Bill, Co -sponsored By Senator Brandon Beach and Clint Dixon, it is added to the Senate Hopper for consideration.

If passed, the law will authorize the state treasurer of Georgia to include bitcoin (BTC) in the state’s investment portfolio. The move reflects the growing interest among American states in the discovery of digital assets as part of his financial strategies.

So far, the Senate Bill 178 waits for further discussion and approval within the legislative process of Georgia. Its progress will be closely viewed by those interested in relations developed between government finance and digital currencies.

Matthew Sigel of Vanak reported that the increasing number of US state proposals to allocate stores to bitcoins may be $ 23 billion to purchase pressure, demanding further driving with potential pension fund investment.

Georgia and bitcoin space race

With this, 20 other American states in Georgia are currently which are currently Considering A cryptocurrency is in a strategic reserve and various stages of law.

Utah stands with remarkable progress; Its Bitcoin Reserve Bill was approved on January 28, 2025 from the House Economic Development Committee, and now they are waiting for Senate votes. If passed, the Utah Bitcoin may become the first state to apply the reserve.

Other states including Missouri, Arizona, Oklahoma and Kentki are also actively working on similar initiatives. The list of states considering such measures includes Alabama, Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Kansas and Vyoming.

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