CZ says

CZ has warned users of hacked accounts promoting tokens and says that the YZI labs staff promoting coins will be ‘immediately removed’.

recently PostChangpeng Jhao shared a screenshot of an account belonging to an merchant who was a supporter. He suspected that the account was hacked as it was promoting Meme coins for followers.

“This account is probably only hacked. It suddenly started reaching people to promote new meme coins. And the profile changed, ”the CEO of the former Binens said in its recent post.

The handle of the account is Artists_Woiser and the details states that they are a social media manager and content writer for web 3 companies. He also claimed marketing for Benance Labs.

CZ reported that the account owner does not work for Benns or Yzi Labs. However, many people from the Benance community follow the account because the owner is “a long -supporting supporter of BNB (BNB).”

Additionally, the CZ issued a warning to the Yzi Labs employees, stating that they are not allowed to publicly promote any type of cryptocurrency coins. If they are caught promoting coins, they will be “immediately removed on search.”

CZ warnings of Solana (Sol) meme launchpad come only one day after the pump. Hackers used an account to share positions urging the followers to buy a fake pump. Governance token. At the press time, has obtained complete control of its X account.

Earlier this month, the official Dyer Instagram account experienced a similar hack when he uploaded a post, which was dubbed the dyer official coin to promote a solana-based meme coin. The post did not disappear after a long time after the account was recovered, although fake tokens had already received a trading volume of over $ 1 million.

In a separate post, CZ Reactive One user said how many accounts have been made in these few days. He said that X accounts are not so safe, but he jokingly said that he can improve the overtime of his account safety once “launching a wallet”.

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